TLCU Financial

(574) 255-3193

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like more information about the credit union, our products or services please email us at one of the addresses below, submit a contact form or call one of our branches.

Call Us:

Main Office:

(574) 255-3193

Bremen Branch:

(574) 546-5666



Fax us:

Main Office:  574-258-7622

Bremen Office:  574-546-3962

Lost or Stolen Debit Card or Visa:

During business hours, call our main office at (574) 255-3193, after business hours call: (855) 501-5375.

visa or debit card Fraud


Email Us:

General Information
Employment Information

Email Disclaimer: TLCU Financial wants to inform all credit union members that this is an unsecured email. Please do not supply any personal information such as: account number, member number, social security number or mother's maiden name.

Contact Form:


